
Weekly Press Review | Enter an estonishing digital world through VR Estonia

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Magical unicorn flies you around Estonian digital landscape in virtual reality platform

The VR Estonia experience narrates the journey of Estonia becoming the first fully digital country. It showcases different e-services like i-Voting, e-Health, e-Residency, also cyber security, the X-Road data exchange, business environment, and the future of a digital society.

Upon wearing the VR glasses (or just watching from the desktop view) and activating the video selection, you will be welcomed by President Kersti Kaljulaid in her office. You will then be introduced to a magical unicorn – your guide in the VR world, that takes you to videos, which you can activate by aiming the pointer to various topics.

The VR solution is available online at so anyone can experience what it is like to be part of e-Estonia.

This article was originally published in Estonian World. Read the full article here

Estonian President firmly committed to bringing more services to its e-citizens

Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid brings optimism to e-Citizenship and talked about how its digital transparency and accountability have become an anomaly in today’s world of privacy breaches and identity theft. In her Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit appearance, she elegantly puts it “you identify yourself in the digital world just like you do in the analog world, with your passport.”

She believes that the online presence of government services provide equal opportunities to its citizens, especially to its underserved population.

President Kaljulaid also mentioned her plan to have online schooling that all e-citizens can avail of anywhere in the world.

This article was originally published in Fortune. Read the full article here

e-Residency dismantling fear of demographic time-bomb

One of the benefits of e-Residency is it allows someone from outside of European Union to do business in the region.

But this digital service seems to offer more solutions than it is supposed — offset aging population and shortage of talents, thus decline in economic growth. As European nations experience low birthrate and skills shortage, Estonia turns to e-Residency to cover its deficiency.

And indeed, this service has put Estonia on top of some businessmen’s minds. Since 2014, the country has already issued more than 45,000 e-Residency to entrepreneurs around the world who at the same time are contributing to Estonia’s economy.

Some prominent of states that have received Estonia’s digital ID are Shizo Abe of Japan, Angela Merkel of Germany, and Pope Francis.

This article was originally published in Business Insider. Read the full article here



Visit us physically or virtually

We host impactful events both in our centre and online for government institutions, companies, and media. You’ll get an overview of e-Estonia’s best practices and build links to leading IT-service providers and state experts to support your digitalisation plans.

Questions? Have a chat with us.

Call us: +372 6273157 (Monday to Friday, 9:00-16:30 Estonian time)
Regarding e-Residency, visit their official webpage.

Find us

The Briefing Centre is conveniently located just a 2-minute drive from the airport and around 10- to 15-minute drive from the city centre.

You will find us on the ground floor of Valukoja 8, at the central entrance behind the statue of Mr Ernst Julius Öpik. We will meet the delegation at the building’s reception. Kindly note that a booking is required to visit us.

Valukoja 8
11415 Tallinn, Estonia