
Weekly press review | Blockchain, e-Democracy in Europe, and international cooperation

Article content

E-Democracy in the European Union: lessons from Estonia

Viljar Veebel, e-Governance researcher and consultant from the University of Tartu, has published an article for the Foreign Policy Research Institute of Philadelphia. The publication about how Estonian digital expertise might be useful for the entire European Union. Here are few points we would like to underline.

Making the digital solutions reality: the Estonian way to the introduction of digital healthcare system, for example, took several years because of the lack of overall coordination and the unnecessary duplication of activities and resources; this kind of issues might take shape at the European level, that’s why EU must enhance its logistic and budgetary coordination.

The once-only principle: it has the goal to reduce the administrative burden on public and private sector by collecting the data only one time and by sharing them with different institutions. Tallinn University of Technology is advocating its implementation at the EU level.

This article was originally published by the Foreign Policy Research Institute. Read the full piece here.

South Korea invited to take part in next Digital Summit in Tallinn

After the announcement made last week by the Estonian president Kersti Kaljulaid about the opening of the first e-Residency Collection Center in Seoul, which will enable Estonia to scale up globally by better serving entrepreneurs beyond its borders in a safe and secure way, the country is also interested in launching regular cyber consultation with South Korea.

A broaden digital cooperation will be discussed at the Digital 5 network in Wellington together with the other three members Israel, New Zeland and the United Kingdom.  “Estonia and South Korea are united both by similar values as well as similar challenges. Estonia’s open economy and transparent investment environment definitely are of interest for South Korean investors. Cooperation with Gyeonggi province, which supports information technology companies, creates preconditions for growth in investments,” Estonian Prime Minister said.

This article was originally published in Global Financial Market Review. Read the full piece here.

Guardtime’s KSI Blockchain to be adopted by Verizon Enterprise

Verizon Communications, the American telecommunication service provider will adopt, by the end of 2018, the Keyless Signature Infrastructure (KSI) Blockchain technology developed by the Estonian company Guardtime. Blockchain became popular in the last few years and has been related with secure online transactions, but it helps to maintain also the integrity of critical infrastructure, protect physical and digital supply chains, and safeguard customers’ information systems.

“Combining our security expertise with Guardtime’s blockchain platform offers customers an advanced solution,” Alex Schlager, the executive director security services of Verizon Enterprise Solutions, said in a statement. “We will focus on privacy, portability and scalability – adding proven managed security services on top of leading technology from Guardtime”  Schlager concluded.

This article was originally published in Estonian World. Read the full piece here.


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