Digital discussions

e-Estonia Digital Discussion: Cyber Security – Last Call

digital discussion cyber security 02.06.22

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On June 2, 2022, at 5 PM (GMT+3), international cyber security heavyweights will gather for our high-level live discussion on an increasingly important topic – security in cyberspace. 



Ms. Merle Maigre, Senior Cyber Security expert at the e-Governance Academy, Ms. Līga Raita Rozentāle, CISM, Microsoft Senior Director and Team Lead for EU Cybersecurity and Emerging threats; and Mr. Siim Alatalu, CEO of the CR14 foundation, will be touching upon the following topics:

  • What do countries need to be resilient?
  • What to do in case of cyber warfare?
  • What is the role of the private sector?
  • Cooperation between global organizations like NATO, the United Nations, etc. 


Ms. Līga Raita Rozentāle, Senior Director and Team Lead for EU Cybersecurity and Emerging threats at Microsoft

Līga Raita Rozentāle is the Microsoft Senior Director and Team Lead for EU Cybersecurity and Emerging threats. Līga served as a Special Advisor to the Latvian Mission to the UN and is a delegate for the UN Open-Ended Working Group on Cyber Issues. Līga engages in the Women4Cyber Advisory committee and has been named by SC Magazine UK as one of the Top 50 European Women in Cybersecurity for 2019. Additionally, Līga brings her experience as the first Latvian Cyber Diplomat at the EU and NATO, where she chaired the EU working parties on both telecoms and cybersecurity and was a representative to the NATO Cyber Defence Committee. 

Ms. Rozentāle is a former UN Disarmament Fellow and holds CISM certification.

Ms. Merle Maigre, Senior Expert on Cyber Security at e-Governance Academy 

Merle Maigre works as the Senior Cyber Security Expert at e-Governance Academy. From 2017 to 2018, Merle served as the Director of NATO Cooperative Cyber Defense Center of Excellence (CCDCOE) in Tallinn, an international hub of cyber defense expertise for NATO. She also worked as the Security Policy Adviser to Estonian Presidents Kersti Kaljulaid and Toomas Hendrik Ilves, being the President’s chief advisor on domestic and international security issues, including cyber defence.

Merle has also worked at CybExer Technologies, an Estonian enterprise providing cyber training. From 2010-to 2012, Merle Maigre was at NATO HQ in the Policy Planning Unit of the Private Office of NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen.

Mr. Siim Alatalu, CEO at CR14

Before becoming the CEO of the CR14 foundation, Siim Alatalu worked at the Estonian Information System Authority and was in charge of implementing the EU CyberNet – the European Union Cyber Capacity Building Network project (IFS/2019/405-538).

His prior professional career in cyber security includes an almost five-year tenure at the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE). As the CCDCOE’s Head of International Relations, his primary role was to develop its relations with a growing network of partners from governments, military, academia, and industry, overseeing its enlargement to an international organisation with currently 25 member countries. In 2018 he joined the Centre’s Strategy Branch, being in charge of cyber strategy and policy research and training related to NATO and the European Union and providing subject matter expertise to the Centre’s other flagship projects.

Between 2001 and 2014, Siim mostly worked for the Estonian Ministry of Defence. From 2008 – to 2011, he served as a diplomat at the Estonian Delegation to NATO in Brussels, Belgium. During the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union in 2017, he also co-led the development of the EU’s cyber policy and strategy, being the Vice-Chair of the Council’s Horizontal Working Party for Cyber Issues (HWP).


The Digital Discussions series is a high-level flagship production hosted live by the e-Estonia Briefing Centre. The panel is moderated by the Digital Transformation advisers of the e-Estonia Briefing Centre.



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